Covid-19 Vaccine FAQs

Is there a Covid-19 Vaccine?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued emergency use authorization (EUA) to two COVID-19 vaccines: one developed by Pfizer and BioNTech and another produced by Moderna. The distribution of both vaccines began in the United States in December.

A third vaccine, developed by Johnson & Johnson/Janssen, received EUA on Feb. 27, 2021 and began nationwide in March. On April 13, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Please click on the link below for an update.

Other potential COVID-19 vaccine candidates are in development and could seek authorization later.

Does Hamilton Health Have The Vaccine?

Hamilton Health began to receive doses of both the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Moderna vaccines in December, and we continue to receive them. At Hamilton Health, we are committed to the safety of our communities in our vaccination efforts. We are following federal guidance in the distribution of the J&J vaccine and paused any distribution of the J&J vaccine on April 13, 2021, pending the CDC investigation. Our goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, with the supply available to us.

Which of the Covid-19 Vaccines is Hamilton Health Offering?

Hamilton Health is distributing the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines at this time. We are vaccinating people with the available supply we have.

Hamilton Health is following federal guidance in the distribution of the J&J vaccine and paused use of the J&J vaccine on April 13, 2021, pending the CDC investigation.

Should I Contact My Doctor About Receiving The Covid-19 Vaccine?

Hamilton Health recommends that every individual contacts their doctor prior to receiving the vaccine. Please call 717-230-3991 9am-3pm, 5 days a week to speak to your health care professional.

When Can I Get The Vaccine?

Schedule an appointment at  717-230-3991 or fill out our vaccine contact form.

What Is The Cost of the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Do Questions About Your COVID-19 Vaccine Status Violate HIPAA? Click to learn more. Information courtesy of UPMC.

Vax Facts for Parents and Guardians – Virtual Conversation.pdf” at: